About High Point GPS

High Point GPS: A hub for High-Performance telematics

Keeping Businesses Moving Forward

High Point GPS is the leading global provider of fleet management software solutions, with solutions for organizations of every shape and size providing the latest and greatest cutting-edge Telematics and Video Solutions with world class customer support. We partner with industry leading providers to ensure that your fleet’s performance is optimized in four key areas: efficiency, safety, compliance, and accountability.

Benefits of High Point GPS Products

Driver Safety

Speeding brings many risks and can cost the driver or your company money. Eliminating this type of behavior makes for safer roads and a safer work environment.

Complete More Work

GPS tracking can help lead to more service calls completed per day. When employees who are paid by the job/hour learn this, they realize GPS tracking is their friend, not their enemy.

Accurately Dispatch

Calling several techs to find out who is closest to an emergency call location not only wastes time for dispatch; it’s a distraction for employees. This will be eliminated with real-time GPS tracking and detailed mapping. GPS tracking makes calling each driver to find their whereabouts a thing of the past.

Less Vehicle Down-Time

Remote vehicle diagnostics help you stay on top of maintenance for your fleet, and can allow you to perform repairs before they result in breakdowns and productivity-robbing downtime. Preventing an employee from being stranded miles from home changes perceptions of what GPS tracking can do for you.

Detect Engine Issues and Monitor Fault Codes

With engine fault code information, you can now stop engine issues before they become costly to manage and repair. A fault code will specifically tell you what the engine issue is and where to find it, helping you save on vehicle inspection time and costs, and possible vehicle down time.

Reduce Paperwork

GPS tracking software automates reports like time sheets and fuel receipts, which ultimately requires less paperwork to be filled out or turned in by mobile workers and less to sort through for the back office staff. This allows the mobile workers to spend more time performing their job responsibilities and less time filling out paperwork.

Regulatory Compliance

IFTA – Automated mileage calculated HOS – Solutions for automated hours

Proof of Driver

Driver ID functionality ensures that a driver is not wrongfully accused of any incidents that happened in a vehicle if that employee was not driving it at the time.

Proof of Location

Determine whether or not the employee showed up to the job site and how long he/she was there. This is helpful for your employee when it is the customer’s word against his/hers, as GPS tracking can very clearly demonstrate the duration on-site.

Prevent Vehicle Abuse and Wear and Tear

Monitoring and reporting of aggressive driving combined with the use of in vehicle audible warnings feedback will reduce wear and tear on your fleet vehicle.

Fuel Savings

Reduce fuel costs by reducing driver idling time, speeding, fast acceleration, and more. Savings and ROI can be derived in just days!

Insurance Discounts

Many insurance companies have telematics programs that offer a 15% to 40% discount for sharing your fleet’s driver behavior. Ask us about our insurance company partners.

Route Optimization for Better Trip Planning

Efficiently dispatching drivers on optimized routes will reduce fuel consumption, enhance productivity and reduce overtime.

Theft Deterrent

For companies that allow drivers to take home company vehicles, off-hours usage notifications can help you/employees to identify vehicle theft as it happens.

Traffic Violations

In the event of a traffic violation, GPS tracking may hold up as a reliable source of defense which could exonerate a driver from a ticket.

Stop Unauthorized Vehicle Use

Detail time and trip history reports will reduce drivers wasting time, unauthorized trip and stops. Report after hour’s vehicle usage and provide vehicle location for theft recovery.

Safety = Saving

The use of in vehicle audible warnings feedback for speeding and aggressive driving events can modify driver behavior. This reduces accidents and insurance rates as well as vehicle and driver down time.

Schedule Vehicle Maintenance and Reminders

Prioritize vehicles for repair based on live vehicle diagnostic fault reporting. Schedule maintenance reminders for your entire fleet.

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